Announcing the first APMP ANZ Mentoring Program
A Fantastic Year for Certification in Our Region
2019 has seen the largest number of people achieve one of the three certification levels than any other year in our Chapter history. All in all, 60 of our members have achieved some level of certification this year: 46 Foundation, 11 Practitioner and 3 Professional. There are now 183 people with certification in our Chapter. You can see the excellent growth in the chart below. That’s the good news.
But this still means that way more than half of our Chapter members have no certification level at all. So, why not make APMP certification your professional goal in 2020? There will be more opportunities to do that than ever before with both Foundation and Practitioner workshops plus the introduction of a mentoring program.
Certification Workshops for 2020
More certification workshops are currently being planned for 2020, as follows:
Foundation: This is an intensive all-day workshop that prepares you for the 1 hour Foundation paper based exam, which is taken at the end of the day. You get told your result before you leave. The cost for the course (for APMP members) is $1,000 plus GST. This cost includes the $550 exam fee but excludes the APMP Proposal Certification Study Guide (BOK Edition), which should be purchased in advance online from the APMP bookstore (
Practitioner: This is a new workshop for our Chapter. It is a 3 hour information session about the new 2.5 hour on-line exam. It runs through a practice case study and the types of questions in the exam. Each workshop will be held near the end of the day to minimise impact on work schedules. The cost is yet to be decided but will be a nominal fee only to cover some materials and a venue.
The schedule for Foundation workshops for the first half of 2020 are shown in the table below (subject to minimum numbers). Practitioner workshop dates (and cost) are currently being worked out and will be published in the new year. The certification workshops are all run by Nigel Dennis CPP APMP Fellow.
The dates for the Foundation workshops for the rest of the year are as follows:
Certification Mentoring Program
One of the best ways for professional development and growth is to have a mentor. So, in 2020 the APMP ANZ Chapter will be introducing a formal (but not onerous) mentoring program for all three certification levels. This will be modelled on successful programs that other Chapters around the world are using. More information will be published early next year.
Foundation Success
There have two more Foundation workshops held since our last newsletter. So congratulations to the following people who all passed the exam
Perth (3rd December): Susan Danford, Catherine Salter, Rhona MacLean, Benn Rayner
Brisbane (10th December): Heloise Freeman, Krystal Giacomantonio, Bradley Misso, Aleshia Mudge, Nicola Nixon, Andrew Robinson, Lyndell Thompson, Railene Turner-Rose
Conference Update
Two months ago, 170 proposal professionals from Australia, New Zealand, Asia and the Middle East came together in Melbourne to celebrate our industry and learn how each of us can make a difference. Delegates were treated to presentations from some exceptional international speakers, as well as some fantastic local content from our Australian tribe.
A highlight was hearing from APMP’s global CEO Rick Harris, who braved a long-haul flight from Washington DC to learn why the ANZ conference has such a good reputation internationally. Thanks to our keynote presentation by Mike Parkinson, we also have a better understanding of the value of a good infographic. Here is our 2019 conference in numbers:
If you want to see what all the fuss is about, join us for the 2020 APMP ANZ conference in Sydney next August 26-27.