We are delighted to commence the first of our APMP-Me series with two of our members, Danny Shafar, General Manager – Business Development, Quayclean and Eliza Carbines CF APMP, Director, Tender Relief.
The APMP-Me series will shine a spotlight on our members and their career journeys to develop and expand on their professional skills, and getting APMP certified.

How has APMP enriched your career?
How does your profession reflect in your day to day life?
What is your most memorable proposal?
What is the best part of being a member of APMP?
Knowledge sharing in general. Probably through conferences.
What’s next?
Get certified – especially now while in lockdown!

I’ve been a member since 2018 – but more active this year.
Through Google for an industry body and through BidWrite.
How do you feel having recently being awarded your Foundation certification? Any handy tips for those out there contemplating taking the exam?
I feel encouraged and proud to be part of an industry body that I think is so important and to represent and advocate in my way. I am also relieved that I finally did it.
My top tip – don’t think about it – just do it. I think it should be a necessity in our industry – not a nice to have. I think of it as not negotiable. For my business I think it is the right thing to do for my clients and for employers. I also think it is a really low cost for the value that you get.
How has APMP enriched your career?
I feel my quality of work has improved and I feel validated now – for my clients and in my work. The knowledge I’ve acquired I can pass to my clients.
How does your profession reflect in your day to day life?
We’re in the middle of landscaping our yard and I’m constantly needing to know what the process is – just like allocating tasks to team members. I need to know who is in charge of what so that I can allocate all parts of the project so nothing is left undone. I am driving my husband mad.
What is your most memorable proposal?
It would have to be on a 250M bid that we had. There were 6 competitors and we were required to respond in an excel spreadsheet. No graphics – so formatting and no persuasion. We created a proper Word document and sent it alongside a PDF as a “bonus.” We were 70% more expensive than a cheaper competitor – and made it to the final 2. The PDF was discussed when we were shortlisted and went for the presentation, so it worked!
What is the best part of being a member of APMP?
For me, as the sole person in my business – the best advantage with APMP is that I have colleagues. Connecting with APMP has given me my own team and therefore I am less lonely especially now during Covid. You can always reach out to someone for APMP for advice or just to have a chat.
What’s next?
I am going to do my Practitioner certification by the end of September.